Saturday, December 13, 2008

barbie and ken

Bratz dolls have replaced Barbie dolls in many countries as the top selling dolls, bringing an end to Barbie's control of the doll market and giving birth to what may be called the age of the Bratz dolls. The full name of Barbie is Barbara Millicent Roberts born of George and Margaret Roberts of Willows, Wisconsin.

Other styles are represented by the funky style, extravaganza, rock or chic, all revealed through the ultimate fashion products. The games are free and easy to play. People stop on the street and talk about it.

You don't want to go out and meet friends nor are in any mood for a dinner outside. But because of thousands of user friendly and easy to operate games on the Internet, dubbed as massive multiplayer online games, gamers have seen their dreams come true. We know an outfit is never complete without accessories, so you have plenty of choices there as well.

All gamers will agree that there are so many online games to play that you will never get bored playing. Kids can learn a lot about the items of clothing, about how to dress, how to use make up or how to decorate a room or a house or even an event such as a wedding.

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